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Дистанционное обучение в области безопасности и охраны труда



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Occupational Health and Safety for chiefs and specialists of the organizations
The course is based on the Order of labour protection training. It is prepared for the chiefs of the enterprises and organizations, their deputies, for chiefs and specialist of Occupational Health and Safety services, for engineering staff of the organizations and enterprises, for members of the commissions, checking the level of Occupational Health and Safety knowledge and authorized representatives of the labour unions, responsible for Occupational Health and Safety.
At least once every 3 years unless required by law
The programm is for office workers who need to learn about the basics of labor protection in the Russian Federation

В соответствии со статьей 22 Трудового кодекса Российской Федерации каждый работодатель, независимо от организационной формы, обязан обеспечить работникам безопасные условия труда, а именно: обеспечить обучение безопасным методам и приемам выполнения работ, обеспечить охрану труда (индивидуальную или коллективную), проводить инструктажи по охране труда. По окончании обучения слушатели получат знания о видах инструктажа, лицах, ответственных за проведение инструктажа и обучения по охране труда, ответственности, предусмотренной за несоблюдение законодательства об охране труда, о документах, оформляемых при обучении и проверке знаний по охране труда. Статьей 212 Трудового кодекса Российской Федерации установлено, что работодатель не вправе допускать к работе лиц, не прошедших в установленном порядке обучение и инструктаж по охране труда, обучение и проверку знаний требований охраны труда. Все работники организации, включая руководителей, обязаны проходить обучение по охране труда и проверку знаний требований охраны труда не реже одного раза в три года.

Описание курса

Occupational Health and Safety basis

- The main definitions and terms in Occupational Health and Safety;

- Legal basis of Occupational Health and Safety;

- State regulating of Occupational Health and Safety;

- The main provisions of Occupational Health and Safety legislation;

- Obligations and responsibility of the employees in fulfilling the demands of Occupational Health and Safety and internal labour schedule;

- Responsibility, established for the labour legislation and Occupational Health and Safety demands violations.

Organization of OH&S events in the organization

- Organization of OH&S events in the organization;

- Obligation of the employer to provide OH&S;

- Special assessment of the labour conditions;

- Working out the OH&S manuals;

- The organization of the OH&S training and checking the OH&S knowledge of the organization’s employees;

- Providing compensations for the labour conditions;

- Obligatory social insurance in cases of industry accidents professional illnesses;

- The order of investigation and statistics of the industrial accidents.

Final test of the training course “OH&S”

The test consists of 20 questions and you have 20 minutes to give your answers. Each question has only one correct answer. In order to pass the test successfully and finish the training course you should give 16 correct answers at least.